Friday, April 8, 2011

Spring Has Sprung in a Deciduous Forest Biome

Yesterday on April 8th 2011, our ecology class went outside to see what all has happened since the last time we were out there looking for signs of spring. Last time a few weeks ago, there wasn't much out there that showed the signs of spring, So yesterday, We all walked outside to the field and our first site was "Edge of the field." Conner and I started to walk down to where we took our picture of the berry buds on the limb. As we got to the spot i was very surprised because I thought that the berry buds would have grown into red colorful berries but there were all dried up and brown looking and look dead. There was no breeze blowing at site one witch would have been nice if it was because it was a little hot specially because i was wearing a red shirt under my red Zion crossroads Fire Dept. jacket. It was about 75 to 80 degrees out there on the old practice field from the hot sun beating down.  

As we finished up writing our things down from site one, we stared to head down to the pond . site two was called " Pond."Conner and I went over to the blue berries bush and looked to see how they were growing along. Some of the berries have grown bigger and bigger some have died off and been eatin of the bush. They were a nice dark blue color. A ways in the distance i could hear two birds chirping a lot. There was a nice cool steady breeze blowing across the pond to where i was sitting on the bank writing my observations down. It was feeling good and cooling me down from when it got hot on the practice football field. I could sit there and watch the dark water blow and make little ripples across the water as the wind blew across the pond. We waited for the class to get doe writng down their observations. As they got done they walked over to where the rest of the class was standing with Ms.r.

We started to make our way to site three. We walked up and around the little hill and down to the creek and started looking for things to write down on our observations. I was standingon the bank as the rest of the class was around the creek and was looking down at the bottom of the creek. There was a lot more water in the creeks than last time we were out there looking aroud in the woods. The water was flowing pretty good and moving well. There was skunk cabage all around the creek bed and on the sides an banks of the creek. their was  frog but albert's fell an dropped in the pond where the frog was. POOR FROG!! There was a few little crayfish swimming around in the bottom of the creek. I didnt see them but ms.r and some of the other did. The breeze was nice and cool blowin threw the woods and trees, blowing cool and softly threw the trees and hitting me. It felt pretty good. It was warmer by the pond than down by the creek. Even though down in the woods was cool and had a breeze sittingon the bank by the pond felt better than down by the creek. Owell it was fun just that you could smell the skunk cabage as you walked by it or it got stepped on. It was a fun day outside looking at the changes from right before spring to it being spring now, just the ways its different and how the flowers are starting to grow was pretty neat. Hope next time their will be more suff to look at and more things that have started to grow

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