Friday, April 8, 2011

Animal Ears

On April 5,2011 it was a cold windy day. We were told that we were going to do a lab called Animal Ears. We got our lab papers from Ms. r and our paper plates. She told us to count off to 13. My number was 3. We had to find the other person that had the same numbers that would be our partner for the lab. My partner was Kasey. We were told that we were aloud to go out in the hall and do the first part of the lab. after the first part was done, Ms. r told me to go around the hall and get the rest of the class and tell them that we were going outside. As we got outside, we were all standing in a line on one of the marking lines in the sidewalk. She said that now were doing this as a class for an average. So one group of the class lined up on the line and she said"i am going to click the pen and every time i do, move back one step until you cant hear the clicking of the pin same thing for same thing for you guys that's going in the second group. After both groups got done we all went back in the classroom and ms.r asked us to read out our distance numbers to her when she calls on us. everyone had to copy down all the data as everyone called out their amounts to ms.r. It was a fun lab and hope their will be many more fun ones to come.

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