Thursday, March 3, 2011

Signs Of Spring

Yesterday, we went outside again and had a good time. We were looking for Signs Of Spring as you can see that's what our tittle post is. We walked down to the practice football field, and started to look for signs of spring. Ms. r told us to spread out and look around. That's where my first sign of spring came along and it was named The "Edge Of The Field". I walked up on this bush that had briar bushes all around and seen this:
I seen that the grass has gotten greener than last time we were outside, there was a medium sized birds nest nearby. You could hear the leaves and treetops blowing as the wind blew an medium breeze against my chest and all around me. the sun was pretty warm and made it feel warmer than it was outside. the breeze made it cool but the sun made it warmer. After ms. r and the rest of the class came over to where Conner and i were standing, ms. r told us to all be quiet and listen to see what we could hear in the background. We all heard a crow in the distance that flew over head.  After that we moved on with our walk and headed down to the pond. As i as sitting on the bank with Conner and a few others, we found Alder catkins witch made the start of my next observations and the tittle was "Down By The Pond". Alder catkins are the little brown tail looking things that hold pollen and can always be found near a pond or lake. They are very interesting to look at but we got up and started making our observations and i came across some blueberries.

So that's where i started to make my observations. As i was walking over to where the blueberries our, i seen the water rippling across the pond as the wind blows, their was some gravel rocks under my feet. Their was still a breeze blowing but it was warmer than it was when we were all on the football field and could still hear the wind blowing the treetops and leaves crackling. When i was sitting on the ground it was warm a little but not to cold. There was some blueberries on the bush but not as much because its still a little cold not all the way warm yet and still isnt spring. As Conner and i found the blueberries on the bush we got caught back up with the class and was on our way to the next sign of spring. We walked down this small trail and stopped to listen and we herd the frogs trying to mate in the distance by the noise the frogs made. This is what started my next set of observations. The tittle ws "Out In The Woods On The Small Trail". There was a butterfly on a tree but by the time i got up there to where the butterfly was at it was gone. So i continued to walk on through the woods with the class and we all stopped ina bottom and spread out again to try and find more signs of life. i seen a few nats out that were crawing on my jacket sleeve, there was some patches of green under a few trees. There was no breeze that blew theough where we were sll standing at. After a few minutes later, we all started to head back up to the school and on the way Conner ms. r and i were all talking about the fires that happened a few weekends ago and about how bad they were. We got up to the front of the school and ms. r said "Here is sign four". The next tittle i named sign four was "Out In Front Of  the  School". The class spread out and Conner and i found:

These are some red bud blooming red flowers on the trees out infront of the school. The grass was greener than the grass on the practice football field. We didnt have to much time because the bell was getting read to ring to move on to our next class. Their was no breeze blowing but the sun was made it feel like it has warmed up outside. I wish we could have spent the rest of the school day outside because the sun making it warmer and no breeze blowing yes it made it feel really good outside. i heard a crow making a sound in a distance behind me. Their was no othersounds i heard besides the crow in the back ground. I hope we go out next week and have a good time like we did yesterday...

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